Current and former office holders at all levels of state and local government, along with people who are known for positive engagement in civic activities, have expressed support my candidacy. Their endorsements are based on knowledge of my work history coupled with a deep agreement about our shared commitments to essential values of good governance.
Jake Bruton, Tijeras
Tim Keller, Albuquerque
Office of the County Assessor
Betty Cabber, former County Assessor
State Department of Economic Development
Fred Mondragón, former Secretary
Office of the New Mexico Secretary of State
Clara Padilla Andrews, former Secretary
Albuquerque City Council
Tammy Fiebelkorn, Councilor
Klarissa J. Peña, Councilor
Diane Gibson, former Councilor
Bernalillo County Commission
Adriann Barboa, Commissioner
Debbie O’Malley, Commissioner
Charlene Pyskoty, Commissioner
State Public Regulatory Commission
Cynthia B. Hall, Member
Jason Marks, former Member
APS Board of Education
Barbara Petersen
New Mexico Senate
Katy M. Duhigg, Senator
Linda Lopez, Senator
Bill B. O’Neill, Senator
Gerald Ortiz y Pino, Senator
Michael Padilla, Senator
Harold Pope Jr., Senator
Bill Tallman, Senator
New Mexico House of Representatives
Karen C Bash, Representative
Gail Chasey , Representative
Art de la Cruz, Representative
Meredith Dixon, Representative
Daymon Ely, Representative
Joy Garratt, Representative
Dayan Hochman Vigil, Representative
Eliseo Lee Alcon, Representative
Idalia Lechuga-Tena, former Representative
Derrick J Lente. Representative
Tara L Lujan, Representative
Antonio Maestas, Representative
Javier Martinez, Representative
G. Andres Romero, Representative
Patricia Roybal Caballero, Representative
Christine Trujillo, Representative
Samia Assed
Aja Brooks
Iris Calderon
Nancy Carr
Robert Chavez
Rita Chavez-Garcia
Marsella Duarte
David Duhigg
Teresa Garcia
Diane Gutterud
Nick Harrison
Wanda Harrison
Meta Hirschl
Andrew Jaramillo
Robyn Jaramillo
Toni Marinelli
Sarita Nair
Francis P. Page
Gus Pedrotty
Antonia Roybal Mack
Randi McGinn
Kathy Duff Meeks
Yuriria Morales
Samuel Nevarez
Ivan William Pfeifer
Jazmin Iriquiz Ruiz
Christopher Sedillo
Cate Stetson
Dorothy Termer
Prof. Diane Torres-Velasquez
Dorothy Wilkinson